Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ford Motor Company

So, the Ford Motor Company will be my employer for the summer! I feel pretty lucky that I was able to get an internship given the current economic circumstances. I will be working in the General Auditor’s Office, which is the office that prepares and publishes the financial statements of the company. Publicly traded companies are required by law to present financial information in a standardized way and I will be helping prepare that information.

We will be staying with Jana’s brother; he is doing his medical school residency in Ann Arbor, which is about 30 minutes from where I’ll be working (Dearborn, Michigan). I drive out there next week because my first day is May 18. They will provide me with a computer and a mentor to show me around and help me get acquainted with the system. I don’t know too much about what is going to happen once I get out there, but they do neat things with the interns, like taking them to sporting events and to their test track! It will be nice that we’ll get out of Provo for a bit and get some outside exposure.

We’ll be coming back mid-August, which will leave us about two weeks until the fall semester starts. Jana will be taking some online classes while we’re out there and I will be taking one too (my last GE!).

1 comment:

the hills said...

congrats jordy! you've gotta be a bright cookie to clinch that deal! i can't wait for you to leave so your wife will come play with me in texas. haha!