Before Jordan and I left Michigan we were able to drive out to Kirtland, Ohio and visit the main church attractions. It was about a 3 hour drive there and while I was less than thrilled to spend our last Saturday driving and being tourists instead of relaxing, I was really glad we went. We took lots of picutres there, too many to post. I really learned a lot about the early Saints in Kirtland and the LDS church's tours were amazing. It was a little strange to go to the Kirtland temple and have a tour from a different church, but they still did a good job and it was neat to see the first temple ever built in Joseph Smith's time.
It decided to rain pretty hard that day, luckily most of our touring was over when it started.
On our drive home to Utah we had the privilege to spend a day in Nauvoo. I had been there when I was 16, but Jord had never been so it was exciting for us to go. We woke up as early as possible and made the first temple session that morning, which was amazing. The interior of the temple is incredible, patterned after the original Nauvoo Temple. We didn't have near enough time to see everything, but we got to see a lot of the Joseph Smith sites, Carthage Jail, and did the wagon ride to see the highlights. We'd love to go back there someday and spend more time on everything.

We really loved this experience and were so glad we took the time to stop. The Pioneers made such huge sacrifices and it was neat to see a lot of their history. It took us another 18 hours driving in a car to get to Utah, and I was so tired of the trip by the time we got home. But just thinking of how long it took the Pioneers to make the trek made it a little easier! It's good to be home and back in the grind, but it is always sad when fun summers come to an end...