Monday, October 4, 2010

Fun for Us!

Jordan and I just got two pieces of good news over the last couple of weeks:

First off, we are going to be moving! No we are not moving to some exciting, far-off place, that would be too good! We are moving about 5 minutes down the street into my Aunt and Uncle's house while they serve their mission! I never would have imagined we would be in Provo at this point still, but we are. And since we are staying for the next 2 years until Jord goes to grad school, we may as well live somewhere new! So we get to live in their house, which will give us so much room I don't know what we'll do. We are mostly looking forward to our own washer and dryer (2 sets actually) and a dishwasher! We also think it will be a good experience to give us an idea of what having a house will be like, even though that day is certainly distant. So we are pretty excited about that and we are moving in at the end of the month.

Secondly, since we have decided to stick around Provo for a couple of years, Jord has been looking for a more permanent job. He had some pretty good connections at BYU so he applied to BYU Broadcasting and was just hired last week. He will be working in their production department as a Unit Production Manager (UPM for those who know the slang). He is pretty excited to be able to do some hands on production; even though it may not be at his dream production company, gotta start somewhere!

Last little tidbit, we will celebrate our 4th anniversary this week! We have no amazing plans at all, but I'm sure we'll make it out for a date at some point. Can't believe it's been 4 years already, keep 'em comin!


the hills said...

congrats to jordan! & i'm glad your aunt & uncle's house worked out! i'm jealous that you have changes a'comin! :) way to go!!!

lauren and ryan said...

yay - I'm glad clarence and annette's house worked out for you! and congrats to jord. lots of blessings coming your way, huh? we love you guys

Jessica said...

Oh no! I am totally crashing your anniversary tomorrow. So sorry!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you guys!!! It is fun to be moving forward. And I'm a little jealous...don't tell anyone this dirty little secret, but I miss Provo! Keep us updated!

Erin and Corey said...

Congrats! I'm sure it feels great to have some permanent plans and good for Jordan to get into his field of choice. Keep us posted! What grad school is Jordan planning for?

Evan & Heather said...

How does it feel to be almost grown ups with a house? I can't wait for that day. Miss you guys!